Thursday, February 19, 2009

Let's get cozy...

Hurray!! Diane Mott Davidson's 15th culinary mystery, Fatally Flaky, featuring the caterer, Goldy Bear, is due out in April!

Diane Mott Davidson is a favorite of mine. I have all of her books up through book 14 'Sweet Revenge'. If you haven't read any of hers you should give them a try. It's a nice series...not too graphic...a 'cozy' mystery.

If you aren't familiar with the 'cozy' mystery genre...

"A Cozy Mystery usually takes place in a benign universe, in a small town setting. They usually involve a domestic crime, one without violence or bloodshed, committed with a blunt instrument or poison. Cozies are most often solved by gifted amateur detectives, and involve solving some form of a puzzle through observation, deduction and the keen understanding of human nature. There is no graphic violence or use of strong language." ~~~ A concise definition from the Madison WI public library

If you are interested in finding other 'cozy' mystery authors and series, there is a nice list available from the Madison, WI public library. The list contains the author and character names, character's profession, and location. I didn't count past 25 but it looks like the list contains 75-100 authors/series. The URL is . This list is nice because it is rather compact so you can print it out and take it with you as a reminder.

An excellent website devoted to cozy mysteries can be found at . I started to describe it but it would almost take another post and I promised myself I was going to keep this post short and not exhaust myself, lol. You will just have to cruise over there and take a look for yourself. Notice that she even has a blog!

Lots of other information and websites on the 'cozy' mystery can be found by Googling "cozy mystery".

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